Grand Master: KIM HEE JONG
President of the World HangulDo Federation
현 사)대한민국 무술 총연합회 인천광역시 회장 |
사) 국제 한글도 무술협회 회장 | |
사) 세계무예스포츠 월간지 인천취재 본부장 | |
사)대한민국 무술 연합회 연구분과 전문위원 | |
태권도4단,합기도7단,검도5단,당수도5단,한검도5단,용무도7단,특공무술6단 | |
아마복싱(밴턴급) 경기도 신인왕전 우승 | |
인천 한민족 합기도 대회 1~3회 개최 시범단장 역임 | |
전북 격투기대회 페더급 우승 | |
한글도연구 저작권 획득, 장봉술 8장 연구개발 | |
미국, 유럽 년 1회씩 순회 세미나 지도 | |
유럽 독일 합기도 본부 무술지도사범(현), 인천 생활합기도 심판위원장(현) | |
용인대 총장기 용무도대회 1~2회 장봉호신술 시범 | |
용인대 용무도 인천 심사위원 | |
군 특수임무단(인천)과 수년째 무술교류(현) | |
효성중, 명현중 특별활동 합기도, 검도 지도사범 | |
2004 한민족 무술대회 참가시범 Hanguldo is a martial art, developed by the Korean Gm. Kim Hee-Jong. He is the president and founder of the WHGDF. In Korea he is recognized as such. GM Kim is a specialist in self-defense. He instinctively feels how he can best convey the techniques to his students. His skills with different weapons (sword, long stick, tire, walking stick, etc.) are particularly good. He has written the first book about 'HANGULDO' with clear photos and an accompanying DVD that gives the teachers extra help in preparing their lessons. With this he contributes to obtaining a clear structure and unity within the World Hanguldo Federation. This martial art is derived from the Korean alphabet "Hangul". We learn to ward off and cut with the sword according to the movements of the Korean alphabet. During the basic training we learn to draw the sword and then put it back in the sheath. In the next phase, sword fighting follows. Exercises are performed with a partner. First you train with a wooden sword. In the advanced stage, an aluminum sword is used. When practicing Hanguldo we learn to deal with different weapons. With the Mok Kum (wooden sword) all exercises, such as Nakbub, Palchagie, Hoshinsul etc. are performed. The Mok Kum is very suitable for the beginner to strengthen the forearms, practice the cutting and learn to estimate the distance. With the Yoke Do (bamboo sword) different combinations are practiced, as well as speed and responsiveness. Only after a year of training with the Mok Kum can transfer to the Ka Kum (the aluminum sword). The pulling and stabbing of the sword takes on a new dimension. The blocks and cutting techniques of the Korean alphabet are practiced both with and without a partner. Other weapons such as long stick, short stick, spear, halberd, nunchaku and bow and arrow are also used in Hanguldo.